Servis Centar provides you with fast and effective assistance at home, roadside assistance and assistance while travelling.
The services of Servis Centar are provided by Mondial Assistance, a partner of Zagrebačka banka, and they include:
Service Centar is a part of every Lepeza Package (product and service packages) and its range of services depends on the Lepeza you choose.
Platni Asistent Services users can use one of the three versions of Servis Centar:
When you need services of Servis Centar, call the toll-free number 0800 222 384 (local calls), 00 43 1 52503 6547 (calls from abroad) or write an email to
Note: Service Centar services (S, M and L) are available for users who have arranged them by 31 January 2017 with Platni Asistent services, and you are charged the fee for the Platni Asistent Service and the fee for the Servis Centar version of your choice.
Servis Centar effectively provides assistance in a variety of life circumstances: