Zagrebačka banka
corporate calendar
for 2024

This Zagrebačka banka Corporate calendar for 2024 (hereinafter: the 2024 Corporate Calendar) contains a list of dates on which the Bank expects the following events to occur in the business year 2024:

Publication of financial statements

Unaudited annual financial report of the Bank and ZABA Group for 2023 (contains data for the fourth quarter of 2023 as well)

Annual Report of the Bank and ZABA Group for 2024 with the Auditor's Report

Last decade of April 2024
Financial report for the Bank and ZABA Group for the first quarter of 2024

Last decade of July 2024
Financial report for the Bank and ZABA Group for the second quarter of 2024

Last decade of October 2024
Financial report for the Bank and ZABA Group for the third quarter of 2024

General Assembly

Holding of Annual General Assembly of the Bank

Holding of Extraordinary General Assembly of the Bank

Dividend payment

Payment will follow, at latest, within the legally prescribed deadline after the holding of General Assembly which would decide on the dividend payments

Corporate Governance Code

Until 30 April 2024
Publication of the Compliance Questionnaire

Zagrebačka banka Corporate calendar for 2024 (PDF)

The Bank reserves the right to change the dates in the 2024 Corporate Calendar and will publish any change thereof immediately upon the change.

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