Suggest changes, we are here to be better for you.
If you think that in the business relationship with the Bank some of your rights have been violated or denied, we suggest that you first try to resolve the event/situation at issue verbally, directly with employees in the branches of the Bank. In most cases, in this way the situation at issue can be resolved quickly and easily to the mutual satisfaction.
The Bank does not treat such verbal communication of the client as written complaint within the meaning of this Policy and does not apply to it the corresponding provisions on the submitting, receiving and resolving and registering the written complaints.
If the explanation you received verbally from employees of the Bank is not in line with your expectations or the communication is not appropriate for you, you may submit to the Bank the written complaint as set out by the Clients Complaints Management Policy. The written complaint should include at least:
The Bank shall respond to each complaint within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the complaint, unless a different time limit applies to complaints concerning a particular service. In case that the complaint does not contain all the necessary information to act upon it, the complainant will be asked to supplement it.
We are looking forward to your compliments! We would appreciate compliments that encourage us to be even better.