Organisational structure of Zagrebačka banka

The power of our brand lies in the security and stability of business and organisation which we continually question and adapt to market requirements, as well as the findings of modern, efficient organisations, and in aligning with UniCredit the European bank we are part of.

Zagrebačka banka Gruop, as a member of the UniCredit Group, encompasses 7 legal entities

Members of the Zagrebačka banka Group

Legal entity Country of domicil Business
UniCredit Bank d.d. (Mostar) Bosnia and Herzegovina Banking
ZB Invest d.o.o. Croatia Fund management
ZANE d.o.o. Croatia Real estate agency
ZANE BH d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina Real estate agency
UniCredit Leasing Croatia d.o.o. Croatia Leasing
Locat Croatia d.o.o. Croatia Real estate business

Zagrebačka banka associated companies:

Legal entity Country of domicil Business
Allianz ZB d.o.o.
društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima
Croatia Obligatory and voluntary pension funds management


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