General meetings

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on June 19th 2024 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 19 June 2024 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents
Zagrebačka banka report on remuneration paid to the MB SB members 2023.

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (The Bank) announces that the General Assembly of the Bank was held on April 10, 2024, at which decisions were made, according to the proposal that was published with the invitation for the aforementioned General Assembly. At the same time, at the proposal of shareholders at the General Assembly, in point III. Decisions on the payment of dividends from the net profit realized in 2023, changed the date from which the ZABA-R-A share will be traded without the right to dividend payments, so that in the adopted decision that date is April 16, 2024, instead of April 17, 2024 ., which in the meantime became a non-working day, following the Decision on calling elections for members of the Croatian Parliament (Narodne novine, number 32/24).

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 10 April 2024 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on December 13th 2023 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 13 December 2023 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents
Zagrebačka banka report on remuneration paid to the MB SB members 2022.

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on April 5th 2023 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 5 April 2023 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on January 25th 2023 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 25 January 2023 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on December 7th 2022 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 7 December 2022 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents
Report on remuneration paid to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board members for the business year 2021

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on April 6th 2022 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 6 April 2022 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on December 15th 2021 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Assembly of the Bank has been convened to take place on 15 December 2021 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents
Remuneration Policy for Zagrebačka banka Group 2021
Report on remuneration paid to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board members for the business year 2020
CV - Simone Marcucci
CV - Danimir Gulin
CV - Nazan Somer Ozelgin
CV - Teodora Petkova
CV - Daniela Croitoru
CV - Mirjana Hladika
CV - Savoula Demetrio
CV - Dr. Christoph Metze
CV - Davide Bazzarello

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on September 8th 2021 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

This information is made public on the Bank website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of Regulated Information (HANFA), and has been delivered to the Croatian News Agency (HINA) for publication.

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 8 September 2021 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on 16 June 2021 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 16 June 2021 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents
CV - Mrs. Daniela Croitoru
CV - Mr. Davide Bazzarello

Results of voting

Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank) announces that on 14 April 2021 the General Meeting of the Bank was held at which all the Decisions were adopted, in accordance with the proposals of Decisions published with the Invitation to the General Meeting.

The convocation of the General Meeting with the proposals of Decisions, has been published on the court register website, on the Bank's website, on the Zagreb Stock Exchange website, in the Official Register of the Prescribed Information (CFSSA) and in the media (Croatian News Agency).

In pursuance of Article 286, paragraphs 6 of the Companies Act, the results of voting are announced.

Convocation of the General Meeting

By virtue of the Decision of the Management Board of Zagrebačka banka d.d. (the Bank), the General Meeting of the Bank has been called to take place on 14 April 2021 at 11:00 hours at the Bank’s premises in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, Jankomir 3/Education center, ground floor.

Invitation to the General Meeting, proposals of decision and other General Meeting documents

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