Long-term investment loans help you realise your business plans. You can finance investments such as the following:
- purchase of land
- purchase, construction, expansion or modernisation of commercial real estate
- purchase of equipment and vehicles
- purchase of farming machinery and equipment (tractors, combine harvesters, seed drills, sprinklers and other machinery and equipment) as well as other investments in agriculture
- refinancing of long-term loans granted by other banks
- working capital in function of investment
Financing terms and conditions are structured and adapted to each project and business to be financed. Through a wide range of products and services, we provide you with the optimal financial solution for your business.
Here you can see a selection of our loans for:
- investment
- development of tourism activities
- development of investment projects and repairs of residential buildings
- specialised independent professions
- purchase of John Deere farming machinery and equipment
- farmers
For loans secured by immovable property collateral (real estate), it must be adequately valued by an appraiser authorized to conduct appraisals in accordance with the positive regulations of Republic of Croatia. The final market value appraisal report must contain at least the elements specified in the document Important elements of the real estate appraisal (listed in the documentation attached to this product).
- Individual approach
We respect the specifics of your business and your needs and suggest the optimal financial solution
- Favourable sources of financing
In collaboration with development financial institutions, as well as ministries and local self-governments, we offer you more favourable financing terms and conditions
- Professional advice when planning investments
Your SME banker will help in drawing up a business plan and advise you as to the best way to set up a financial package and maximize the effects of the investment
Conditions of long-term loans depend on the type of investment and the creditworthiness of borrower and the sustainbility of the project. Different combinations of security instruments are possible, depending on the project.
Requested documents
- Loan application
- Status documentation (not necessary for clients of Zagrebačka banka)
- Financial documentation:
For income taxpayers:
-income tax returns for the past two years of business with attachments: Excerpt from the Book of receipts and expenditures and a List of long-term assets
-copy of the Decision of the Tax Administration on the amount of income tax liability for the past two years
-excerpt from the Book of receipts and expenditures for the current year
-overview of long-term assets, overview of receivables and payables on the date of application
-certificate of debt towards the Tax Administration, the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute
For corporate income taxpayers:
-copy of the complete application of income tax with annual financial statements, certified by the Tax Administration for last two years of business
-financial statements for the last quarter before the submission of the application
-analytical reports (customers, vendors, inventory, debt to other banks and/or house leasing)
- BON-2 or SOL-2 forms no older than one month, only for accounts outside of Zagrebačka banka
If necessary, the Bank may request other documents as well.
The interest rate depends on the purpose and source of financing, as well as the sustainability of the project.