ZB global 20 is a balanced euro-denominated fund for investors who wish to generate income from interest-bearing assets and appreciation (achieving capital gain) over the recommended holding period (2 years or more) by investing assets in the markets of the Republic of Croatia, EU and OECD, primarily by investing into bonds (at least 50% of the net asset value of the Fund), into money market instruments and deposits, and a smaller portion of the assets into global equity markets (max. 20% of the net asset value of the Fund).
By adjusting the portfolio structure to market conditions, the Fund will primarily invest into government bonds and money market instruments, as well as corporate and municipal bonds, while a small portion will be invested into equity markets through direct investments or investment funds.
Investment into funds includes taking certain risks. Considering its investment strategy, the ZB global 20 fund is characterised by low to moderate risk, but this level of risk is not guaranteed and may change over time.