This Fund endeavors to preserve the initial value of assets and increase their value by achieving an average annual return between 1.8% and 2.0% between its date of establishment and its maturity date, being 14 December 2026, by predominantly investing in Sovereign Bonds of France, Germany, Poland, Hungary and Romania. The Fund will not invest in Equity Markets or Convertible Bonds.

This Fund is primarily designed for investors aiming to protect the nominal value of their investments after the Fund’s maturity date over a period of 2 years and 5 months and is not designed for investors seeking to have their units repurchased before the Fund’s maturity date.

The initial offering of units will take place from 10 July 2024 until 8 August 2024, whereafter the Fund will no longer accept any investments.


ZB bond 2026 EUR II is primarily designed for clients:

  • classified as retail investors;
  • for whom this Fund is suitable, specifically those who have sufficient knowledge and experience for such a product;
  • aiming to protect the nominal value of their investments after the Fund’s maturity date (over a period of 2 years and 5 months);
  • who are able to accept that the value of their investments may increase or decrease for the Fund’s duration;
  • seeking to make investments in EUR.

ZB Bond 2026 EUR II is not designed for clients:

  • who are elderly (75+) and have insufficient knowledge and experience in investments;
  • aiming to invest for a period of less than 2 years and 5 months (and intending to have their units repurchased before the Fund’s maturity date);
  • intending to invest in the Fund after its initial offering of units;
  • seeking to invest in a currency other than EUR;
  • requiring written guarantee of investment repayment;
  • whose accounts have been frozen.

An example of investment:

  • Amount invested during the initial offering of units: EUR 1,000
  • Entry fee charged (1%): EUR 100
  • Target value at Fund maturity: EUR 10,431


A principal protected fund with an annual return of 1.8%-2.0% over a period of 2 years and 5 months.

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