From 31 March 2022 you will not be able to arrange a revolving credit card with repayment in the percentage amount.
Existing users of a revolving card who have chosen to repay a used revolving loan in a percentage will continue using this according to the agreement, as they have done so far. In the percentage repayment of costs, the arranged percentage amount is charged once a month on the due date.
Calculation of the monthly repayment of the principal:
1 If the repayment amount equals or exceeds EUR 12.61
The overall amount of the used revolving loan is multiplied by the arranged percentage. Interest and fees are subtracted from the amount calculated in that way, and the rest is monthly repayment.
2 If the repayment amount is less than EUR 12.61
The overall amount of the used revolving loan is multiplied by the arranged percentage, and it amounts to at least EUR 12.61 .