For those who want to save through regular monthly payments via standing order with no fee for the entire duration of the term deposit period.
A Design Savings is no longer offered by the Bank from 15 October 2018, but you can check out other term savings products.
Dizajn Savings is a savings intended for anyone who wishes to save through regular monthly payments. Funds are paid into a savings deposit on a monthly basis via standing order with no fee, for the entire duration of the term deposit period. Upon expiry of the term deposit period, the Dizajn Savings rewards you for regular monthly payments with a premium. The amount of the premium depends on the agreed term deposit period.
The interest rate increases depending on the amount of funds on the account.
Upon expiry of the term deposit period, your interest is increased by the accrued premium on the interest as follows:
Upon expiry of the term deposit period, the savings deposit and total interest are automatically renewed, in accordance with interest rates on the Classic savings at the time of the renewal and there is no need for you to come to a branch.