ZB trend - an equity fund, denominated in American dollars, carefully chooses for investors the stocks of companies from developed non-European countries world-wide, such as the U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and New Zealand and any companies that operate or earn the majority of their revenue in these countries. The culture of investing into stocks of American companies dates back more than a hundred years and is the best example of performance of long-term investment with attractive yields, despite all crisis periods.


  • Moderate to high risk
  • The objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation of the invested assets
  • Primarily intended for investors with a long-term investment horizon and a higher risk tolerance who wish to participate in equity markets of the developed world outside of Europe, as well as for more experienced investors who aim at achieving specific investment goals, and investors who wish to diversify their asset structure by exposure to various equity markets.


  1. Payments and withdrawals in the currency of the fund
  2. Investment in top-tier equity markets - a carefully chosen portfolio of stocks of companies from the worlds developed countries
  3. USD currency exposure
  4. A simple and quick purchase and sale procedure, purchase of units without entry fee
  5. A possibility to realise higher yield than in the case of bond or balanced funds, respecting the recommended investment time frame
  6. A high portfolio diversification, which decreases the risk of the investment value decline
  7. No fee is payable in the event of a unit swap in equity funds (ZB trend, ZB euroaktiv, ZB aktiv, ZB BRIC+ and ZB global), profitability over a longer term of investment, accessibility through flexibility of investment of different amounts, a transparent presentation of investment costs and structure, an equal treatment of clients irrespective of the length of investment periods and amounts

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