If you pay personal income (regular and occasional) to your employees and associates into accounts in Zagrebačka banka, we are offering you a number of possible modes of payment, depending on whether you have a business account with the Bank.
If you secure funds for payment on your business account with the Bank, you have at your disposal:

  • e-zaba business banking

-individual payment orders

-files with payment orders in local currency

-files with personal income payments orders

  • Bank branches

-individual payment orders

-files with payment orders in local currency

-files with personal income payments orders

-personal income payments list

  • possibility to send files with payments data via Internet

If you secure funds for payment on your business account in another bank, you have at your disposal:

  • payment by individual payment orders from the business account in another bank
  • Bank branches:

-personal income payment files

-personal income payments list.

In order to create a file with required data more easily and decrease personal income payment costs, you have at your disposal this programmes for creation of the file:

Download the program / exe datoteka / the requirement for installation is installed NET Framework 4.6.1, Windows environment
Download the program / msi datoteka / complete installation of the program, Windows environment


  1. Save time and money
    We enable to all business entities that pay personal income into the employees accounts opened with Zagrebačka banka the use of a unique service on the banking market: sending the file with data on payment of personal income via the Internet. Instead of bringing the list or the medium (a magnetic medium or a CD) into the branch, use this service!

Additional information and assistance:
+385 (1) 3789 100

Zagrebačka banka will process the personal data entered in the form below for the purpose of arranging a meeting in one of its branches and will keep them for 30 days. We suggest that you enter your OIB, so the banker could prepare the best financial offers based on the available data.
Read more in the Information on Personal Data Processing.

Name of the Company *

Company's OIB *

Your contact

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