A business financing loan funds current business and the need for working capital:
- financing contracted jobs for the delivery of goods and/or services
- financing seasonal jobs (seasonal production in agriculture, inventory, preparation for the tourist season, etc.)
- financing other needs for working capital on the basis of documentation
- refinancing of loans granted from other banks for the same or similar purposes
The loan is used for a specific purpose - payment to the supplier's account or to your business account is made on the basis of documentation for the specific purpose of the loan.
It is granted in EUR and the amount depends on creditworthiness.
Repayment period: up to 12 months.
- Fast approval
- Flexible financing terms and conditions
The ability to combine different types of insurance, and loan amounts of up to 13.272,28 EUR can be granted only with basic collaterals
- Favourable financing terms and conditions
Many available credit lines enable us to offer favourable loan terms and conditions
- Individual approach
We respect the specifics of your business and your needs and suggest the optimal financial solution
Terms and conditions for obtaining the loan are determined by the sustainability, i.e. creditworthiness of your business. You will receive all information upon contacting your Relationship Manager.
Required documents
- Loan application
- Status documentation (not necessary for clients of Zagrebačka banka)
- Financial documentation:
For income taxpayers:
-income tax returns for the past two years of business with attachments: Excerpt from the Book of receipts and expenditures and a List of long-term assets
-copy of the Decision of the Tax Administration on the amount of income tax liability for the past two years
-excerpt from the Book of receipts and expenditures for the current year
-overview of long-term assets, overview of receivables and payables on the date of application
-certificate of debt towards the Tax Administration, the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute
For corporate income taxpayers:
-copy of the complete application of income tax with annual financial statements, certified by the Tax Administration for last two years of business
-financial statements for the last quarter before the submission of the application
-analytical reports (customers, vendors, inventory, debt to other banks and/or house leasing)
- BON-2 or SOL-2 forms no older than one month, only for accounts outside of Zagrebačka banka
- Certificate of debt towards the Tax Administration, the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute
- Analytical reports (customers, vendors, inventory, debt to other banks and/or house leasing)
*Disclaimer: If necessary, the Bank may request other documents as well.
The interest rate is defined pursuant to the Interest Rate Decision.