Exchange rate list

Exchange rate list

Exchange rates number 84 from 30.04.2024. 00:00:00

Currency Unit Buying rate Middle rate Selling rate
flag GBP 1 0,881433 0,854930 0,828427
flag USD 1 1,109520 1,072000 1,034480
flag RSD 1 121,805684 112,436016
flag RON 1 5,175248 4,976200 4,777152
flag BAM 1 2,018417 1,955830 1,893243
flag PLN 1 4,498520 4,325500 4,152480
flag AUD 1 1,684430 1,632200 1,579970
flag CAD 1 1,510332 1,463500 1,416668
flag CNY 1 8,063484 7,753350 7,443216
flag CZK 1 26,056125 25,175000 24,293875
flag DKK 1 7,689301 7,458100 7,226899
flag HKD 1 8,712132 8,377050 8,041968
flag HUF 1 407,305600 391,640000 375,974400
flag JPY 1 173,393550 167,530000 161,666450
flag NOK 1 12,148789 11,783500 11,418212
flag SGD 1 1,514968 1,456700 1,398432
flag SEK 1 12,047235 11,685000 11,322765
flag CHF 1 1,007906 0,977600 0,947294

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